Tuesday, 12 June 2012

SVC toppers cheer with magicians’ hat at Poojappura and Kazhakkuttom

Junior Higher Course to commence on 1st July; Registration Started
Thiruvananthapuram: Young promising wards made wonder when they came for their final performance test of summer vacation course in magic .The unexpected energy level on the stage kept a high hope on magic with new generations. Academy is delighted to announce the toppers of SVC 2012; the one got concluded in the summer vacation. The selection of modest child magicians was bit tougher to valuators as it appears with not much difference.
At Poojappura, Jishnu Madav S R and Akash R jointly secured the first rank and Athul J Prakash and Karthik Satheesh brought to the second place. Anantha Krishna J and Aiswarya R Nair positioned third.
Akash R (Poojappura-I)
Jishnu Madhav (Poojappura-I)

Athul J Prakash (Poojappura-II)
Aiswarya R Nair (Poojappura-III)

Abhijith and Shahin are the prize winners at Kazhakkuttom centre with first and second ranks respectively. Ashwad S Prasad and Krishnanunni shared the third place.
Abhijith (MARC- I)
Ashwad S Prasad (MARC-III)
Shahin (MARC-II)
Krishnanunnu (MARC-III)
Pleasant face expressions and effective communications were the highlights of the competition in this year. The quietly communicated smooth performers turned to the new era in magical sciences. They charged to challenge the possibilities of magic in two month duration preliminary course. Kids were exploring to break the centre sphere personalities through magic.
A group consists of 6 to 14 aged students ensures the enormous extends in learning, when sessions added with the flavor of yoga. The selection made from the examination will allow the students to register for juniors’ higher course. The JHC is scheduled to commence on 1st July and classes will be on every Sunday.

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