Wait for the wonders: Samjunath Lalnath Vadi, a Gujarati folk magician at his 80s is ever-energetic to enthrall you.
Thiruvananthapuram: The Magic Academy has decided to postpone ‘Mazma’ the national festival of street magicians slated for 17-21 April. The decision comes in the wake of the general elections. New dates for the event will be intimated to the magicians, shortly. However, the last date for accepting registrations from the traditional street magicians has been extended for a month. Earlier the date was 15th of March.
The ‘Mazma’ festival brought in association with the Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala, would display engrossing formations of antique street magic. Heirs of the country’s folk magic lineage are to assemble for the unique fair. These poor performers are but rich in the sense of their skills in re-living antique magic.
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